Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Are you aware of "If This Then That"

Today I´ve signed up to a new promising web application which could help you in the task of social networking. Well, when I say new, I mean it´s new to me. I´ve been a little bit reluctant to deep into the world of social networking, but at some point I find it quite interesting. Now that I´ve started to blog again, and soon as you have more than one channel in which you usually come up, you suddenly feel the necessity of having "one tool to control them all" ;).

And that´s what these guys have built for us. A tool called IFTTT (or "If this then that"), which, as they explain, is said like gift without the 'g'. This tooling basically allows you to user-friendly configure "recipes" in which you state that if something happens in a channel (the trigger), then I want to do something in another channel (the action). They have over 60 channels which you can activate by associating your IFTTT account with the corresponding channel one. You can also publish those recipes which you consider that are useful for others. Of course, depending on the nature of the channels you can configure what you want to do, for instance every time I receive a mention in twitter, I want to receive and SMS in my cellphone, or create a a new note in Evernote.

This blog post is a sort of trial, since I´ve configured that with every post in this blog I want to automatically:

  • Send an email with the post title as subject and the post URL as email content. 
  • Tweet the post title and URL.
  • Share the post URL link in LinkedIn.

In the IFFTs about web page they explain that the polling period to check your recipes is every 15 mins, let´s chek "If this works then yuhuuuuu!"

Finally, I´d like to thank  Miguel de Vega for pointing me out to this tooling. Likewise, I could also mention another tool called hootsuite and suggested by Xelso, which I´ve not had time to try yet.

P.S.: I already have some results to comment about my last experiment. Stay tuned ;)

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